+1-425-365-7211 | info@udham.org | Donate Now

  • If you really want to



    Donate Blood - Save Life.

  • A Child is meant to LEARN,

    not to EARN.

  • Waste is defined as useless

    or worthless material.

  • Empowering women,

    Empower whole community.

Saragarhi Battle

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Saragarhi Battle

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Saragarhi Battle

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Saragarhi Battle

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Udham Foundation is a registered Society working together with Partners & Local Communities in India & globally to improve Environment & Human Well-Being.

Udham Foundation is registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860
80G & 12A Tax Exempt Non-Profit Organisation


Swachh Bharat

Support Clean India Mission

We at Udham Foundation believe that we can really make a difference by bringing 4R concept in Waste Management along-with education and public awareness of the masses.

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Support Child Education

India is facing serious challenges regarding air and land pollution mainly due to open dumping of solid waste in big cities such as Chandigarh, Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata.

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Women Empowerment

Support Indian women by giving them the power to create handicraft items, run sewing and stitching centres, beauty parlour shops or to run home made food stores.

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Udham Foundation

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Udham Foundation is a registered Society working together with Partners & Local Communities in India & globally to improve Environment & ​​Human Well-Being.

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